How To Handle Judgement Against Your Commitment

Whether it’s snarky comments about your commitment to healthy eating, doubtful looks from friends and family who don’t believe you can stick with it, or the food pusher who just won’t leave you alone, most people who’ve started their health and fitness journey have experienced one or more of those scenarios.

And these events can be absolutely detrimental to one’s commitment if we’re not careful.

The reason I’m sharing this with you today is because I want you to be prepared when these things start showing up.

Expecting the unexpected is one of the best ways to navigate situations like this.

So why would friends and loved ones be seemingly interested in sabotaging your health and success?

Well, simply put – it really has nothing to do with you.

It’s their own insecurities coming out and being projected on you.

Or it may even be their fear coming out around what it means for their relationship with you if you change.

It could even be plain jealousy.

Whatever the case may be, be prepared and know that it truly has nothing to do with you.

You don’t have to take the food from the food pusher. “No, I’m good” is a perfectly acceptable response.

You don’t have to fall to judgmental eyes out of fear of rejection/isolation.

You’re getting healthy for YOU and everyone in your life benefits from that – remember this if things ever get super tough in this department.

I hope this helps. Or, if there’s someone else in your life who needs to hear this, please feel free to forward this message on.

Here’s to wrapping up 2019 as your healthiest YOU.

6 Ways To Be Effortlessly More Active

Bed -> Car ->Desk -> Car -> Dinner Table ->Couch ->Bed

 That’s a typical day for your average American/Canadian/Australian/Brit.

 We work hard and sit hard.

 I wouldn’t be the first person to tell you that chronic sitting can literally kill you over time.

 And even if you exercise regularly, not getting enough movement throughout your day otherwise is still very harmful.

 So today, I wanted to share a few ways that you can nearly effortlessly get more movement into your daily life:


1.     Always take the stairs (a tried and true method!)

2.     Park at the back of the lot so you have to walk further to get into the store

3.     Use TV time productively – whether you stretch while watching your favorite shows or use the commercial breaks to get in some squats and situps

4.     Choose standing over sitting when you can

5.     Set a timer that reminds you to get up from your desk and move around every hour

6.     Meet with friends and family for walking dates rather than lunches and dinners


Which of these are you already doing consistently and which are your greatest areas of opportunity?

 Consistent daily effort with these things can add up to BIG results or detrimental consequences – like a longer life or an early death.

 Let’s get to it!

 And of course, if you’ve not been doing much in the movement department for a while and you know you need help making a change, that’s exactly what we do here at Full Circle Fitness.

Reply to this message, or email us anytime and come in for a FREE consultation!

Why Things Never Change

A common human experience is to endure things that make them unhappy either until they snap and can’t take another moment or until they die.


 How many people have you known who…

 Hated their jobs but worked a full career anyway.

 Were miserable in their marriage but they stayed because it felt easier.

 Tried and failed seemingly every year to change their body and health only to yo-yo and rebound.

 These occurrences are more frequent than not.

 Sad but true. I’ve even experienced some of this myself.

 The underlying factor, though…the thing that stands between us and having a life we couldn’t love more is FEAR.

 Fear of failure.

 Fear of success and what people will think of us then.

 Fear of rejection or judgement

 Have you felt any of those fears?

 The trick to overcoming and pushing past fear is to create a level of excitement and motivation around the thing we’re afraid of.

 Here’s a few steps that’ll help you do that:

·      Identify the fear and what’s causing it

·      Visualize how you DESIRE things to be

·      Embody the feelings you’ll actually experience when you reach those goals

·      Express gratitude for everything good in your life

·      Take a few deep breaths and continue visualizing things unfolding exactly as you wish

 Once you’ve gone through this exercise – it can take a minute or an hour depending on the intensity of the fear – write down and take action on the top thing you can do RIGHT NOW to move toward creating that outcome?

 Action and motivation are a perpetuating cycle that keep fear at bay.


Eating Out Without Sacrificing Your Goals

I’ve seen it before and I’ve been guilty of it myself… Thinking it’s splurge time when we go out to eat.

I’ve heard it all… “I should enjoy it since I’m spending extra money!” “I don’t want to be judged for being the salad eater.” “I just don’t know what to order!”

I’m here today to tell you that you can both enjoy yourself while eating out AND stay on track with your health and fitness goals!

Here’s a list of ways to do just that:

1.     Look at the menu ahead of time when you aren’t hungry.  Decide what you’re going to have then and don’t even open the menu when you get to the restaurant.

2.     Don’t be afraid of asking for accommodations. Most restaurants always have meat and vegetable entrees as options on the menu, but it’s ok to ask for that customization if not.

3.     Ask that extras like bread and chips don’t be put on the table (if the rest of your party is ok with it)

4.     Drink a full glass of water before starting your meal.  Keep your beverages calorie free.

5.     Plan to only eat half your food. This is a huge win because you eat less and you get leftovers!


It’s entirely possible to make good choices when you go out whether you’re doing fine dining or hitting a drive-thru.

These strategies can be incredibly helpful and make or break your success – especially if you do go out a lot or even travel often.

If you’re used to indulging when you go out, you might feel like you’re depriving yourself at first, but after you make the right choice, your absolute pride and confidence will outweigh any feeling of deprivation!  And each time you win in that way, you build your belief in what you’re truly capable of.

The next time I go out, I’m having steak, salad, steamed or grilled veggies – how about you?

Time Is Running Out

With the chaos of modern life, it’s easy to put off our health.


For a time that’s right or more convenient.


For after a particular event or season.


For when you have more money to invest.


But everyone knows, if they’re honest with themselves, that those things are simply excuses that make us feel better about inaction.


It’s really amazing how the human mind can justify anything and make it feel as if what we WANT to believe is true.


And believe me – I personally understand this struggle!


It can feel like we have all the time in the world to tackle the problem…


Until we don’t.


A bad report from a doctor.


A sudden illness.


A complete deterioration of self-esteem due to body issues built up over time.


So, what’s the answer?


Act now. Like…right now.


Take a walk. Make an appointment with a Dietitian, or Fitness Professional . Reply to this post and let me know you’re ready for support (and I’ll reach out to schedule a time to speak right away!).


Just do SOMETHING to move you forward. Right now.


Time is passing by and every second counts.


What will you make of it?


In my years in the health and fitness industry, it’s not unusual for me to see people stay in contemplation for YEARS before taking action on their goals.

 It seems like there’s always next Monday or next month or after my birthday or next year.

 But the truth is that your time on this earth is finite.

 If you’re out of shape and less than optimally healthy because you “don’t have time” or haven’t made your health a priority, think about what you’re missing out on…

  •    The confidence to be 100% you, wear what you want to wear, own a room, and love what you see in the mirror

  •   The level of fitness required to enjoy life’s adventures with ease

  •     The simple knowing that you’re living an extraordinary, vibrant life that will last longer and will be more fulfilling for both you and your family

 That list could go on, of course.

 And there will never be any time like the present to get started.

 It can be as simple as:

·      Going for a walk rather than watching that TV show

·      Choosing water at the moment you catch yourself reaching for a soda

·      Ordering the protein and vegetables at dinner tonight over the normal burger and fries

 Your success or struggle is literally the result of each choice we make.

 So, what do you choose today?

How Are You?

Have you ever noticed how very common it is to ask and receive the question “How are you?”

 And interestingly, I’d guess 95% of the time or better we answer with something like “fine” or “great.”

 But how often do we answer this question honestly and vulnerably?

 How often do we reach out and seek support in times when we’re not “fine?”

 The world we live in today has more pressure, comparison, and visibility than we’ve ever had.

 We’re more connected than ever before because of technology but at the same time, we’re the most disconnected we’ve ever been.

 One of the things about my work that I have a deep appreciation for is the fact that over the years, my clients have opened up to me thousands of times.

 They’ve shared things they wouldn’t tell their own spouses or friends.

 I love that they have that level of trust in me and that I can be that outlet when it’s so needed.

 So, I’m here to tell you today…

 If you ever need support or an ear, Full Circle Fitness is here for you. Because if you’re human, you’re not always “fine.” And that’s perfectly ok.

How To Break Your Sugar Addiction

We’re going straight to the point here.

 We live in a country where sugar addiction is rampant. In fact, I think more people are experiencing it than not.

 There are all kinds of supplements and tricks available for purchase to help with this.

 From tongue numbing agents to pills and everything in between, there’s no shortage of companies trying to make money off of the addiction that most people fail to conquer.

 So, how do you do it you may ask?

 Here’s the real answer…

 Stop giving into your cravings.

 Ouch. Not what you wanted to hear – I know.

 But the truth is that we’re adults, and we can choose whether or not we give into cravings.

 Just remember cravings are just hormonal signals in the brain and they always come in waves.

The magic about not giving into sugar cravings is that they almost always pass.

 With time, they dissipate dramatically. It just takes practice and healthy habit forming.

 Most people simply don’t make it long enough to feel it.

 To make this a little easier on you, I have a challenge for you.

 The next time you feel a sugar craving coming on, give yourself 20 minutes. If after 20 minutes you still want the sweet thing, let yourself have it.

 I can almost guarantee the craving will pass if you give it the chance.

 Give it a shot and let me know how it works!

Love vs Hate

The mindset and perspective with which you approach your health and fitness journey can have a huge impact on your results and ability to sustain your results over time.

 You may have heard this phrase before, and it’s absolutely true:

 “Workout because you love your body not because you hate it.”

 If you take action from a place of self-loathing and wanting to fix something that you perceive as “broken,” you may find the motivation initially to get some results, but the likelihood of sustaining those results is extremely small.

 Instead, it is critical that you adopt the perspective of taking care of your health and your body because you love yourself.

 We get one body and one life…what a waste to not give it our best!

Benefits include: confidence, better sleep, more intimacy, prolonged lifespan, avoidance of lifestyle related diseases…to name a few.

 So, find that drive and desire to take care of the one body you’re so lucky have and give it your very best.

 You with me?

Be The Change!

One of the most powerful ways to not only stay committed to your fitness and health routine but to actually fall in love with it is by supporting and recruiting those you care about to join you.

 Less than 7% of people in the western world are “chronic exercisers” – meaning they’re consistent with exercise multiple days per week for an unending timespan.

 That’s sad and scary.

 But one of the ways to ensure you get into the 7% is to lift up those around you.

 Lead them to join you in health. Recruit them in your mission to make everyone and everything in your life stronger, happier, and more vibrant.

 Don’t let them buy their own excuses (and you don’t buy your own either).

 Because you know you love and care about those who are close to you.

 You want the best for their health, strength, confidence, and more.

 Start the change and be the change.

 Take them by the hand and ensure that you and those you love never sit on the sidelines of life again.