
The Hateful Eight

Dr. Cate Shanahan has been extremely vocal, especially since the pandemic hit about the havoc seed oils are wreaking on the human body.

She’s one of the topic metabolic experts in the world, and she knows a thing or two about how the human body functions.

Before processed food was a thing less than 100 years ago, fat made up a huge portion of the human diet.

But it was natural fats that do our bodies good – from animals and plants.

Since the low-fat crazes in the 1980s, we’ve been gradually eliminating naturally occurring fats from foods and replacing them with unnatural, toxic, chemical-laden oils and sugars.

Dr. Shanahan calls these oils specifically “The Hateful Eight,” and she recommends avoiding them at all costs to reduce toxicity and inflammation in the body, and thereby, reduce your risk of metabolic diseases like diabetes.

And she even believes cutting these oils will enable to you to combat the coronavirus with much more ease.

The problem is that these oils are in TONS of prepackaged foods from salad dressing to bread to processed foods to foods prepared in restaurants.

Whether you attempt to avoid these oils entirely or simply start taking a closer look at labels to reduce your consumption, I wanted to provide this quick list for you today from her website drcate.com to increase your awareness and enable you to make informed decisions for yourself.

These oils are:

  1. Soy oil

  2. Sunflower oil

  3. Safflower oil

  4. Canola oil

  5. Corn oil

  6. Cottonseed oil

  7. Hydrogenated oil

  8. Refined palm oil

Are these oils as harmful as many of the experts believe? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

A Love Challenge

Because February is the month of love, I want to offer a unique challenge to you.

First, I want you to write a list of the things you love about yourself.

About how you look…

About who you are…

About how you treat other people…

About what you’ve accomplished…

The list can be as long as you want it to be.

Side note: if you struggle with this, it’s even more important that you complete this exercise.

Once you’ve completed your list, I want you to stand in front of a mirror and read the list aloud, glancing into your own eyes so you can see and feel the truth of it all.

Deep breaths as you move through it without rushing.

Even feel free to close your eyes as you allow the emotion of those things you love about yourself to sweep through your body and amplify.

Do this every day for at least a week.

Feel free to add to the list at any time.

Until you do this exercise, you can’t imagine how powerful it will be.

So, will you trust me and do this?

I hope so.

Because loving yourself more is the key to making progress in so many other areas of life.

Let me know how this goes or what comes up for you once you’ve completed the exercise, ok?

I can’t wait to celebrate you. <3